14 research outputs found

    Analisis Sistem Informasi Registrasi Pasien Dengan Metode Pieces Di Rumah Sakit Mulia Hati Wonogiri

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    Mulia Hati Wonogiri hospital has uses management information system for about 2 years. It is used by administration and reporting especially in the registration. In fact, the office have difficulties on searching of the old patient database in management information system application. It makes the officers performance become hampered. The objective of this study is to analyze the registration information system of patients using PIECES method, namely : Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency and Service. The researcher uses observation and interview as technique of collecting data. The result of study shows that registration information system work of the patients is less optimal. It result information thaat has not been in time and the cost for taking care of medical resume and treatment of system and hardware is more expensive. The system is not efficient because of the uncomplete system, control and safety in less of control. The service is not maximal enough, since the processes is done uncorrectly. Hence the patients needs more time to take medical servic

    Evaluasi penyelenggaraan rekam medis pasien dalam pemenuhan standar akreditasi rumah sakit di rs muhammadiyah selogiri wonogiri

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    Penyelenggaraan rekam medis berdasarkan pada standar akreditasi rumah sakit bertujuan menunjang tercapainya tertib administrasi dalam rangka upaya peningkatan mutu dan keamanan pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit. Data yang diperoleh dari panitia rekam medis yang secara rutin telah melakukan evaluasi standar pelayanan minimal dan evaluasi indikator mutu pelayanan didapatkan hasil persentasi kelengkapan pengisian rekam medis pasien sebesar 70% dan persentase ketidaklengkapan pengisian rekam medis sebesar 30%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi penyelenggaraan rekam medis pasien dalam pemenuhan Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Selogiri. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksploratif dengan metode deskriptif dan pendekatan kualitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah panitia rekam medis dengan sampel total populasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan Focus Group Discusion, wawancara triangulasi dan observasi lapangan dengan cheklist. Dari hasil penelitian terhadap 10 standar yang dileliti dengan 41 elemen penilaian adalah 8 elemen penilaian tercapai penuh (20%), 28 elemen penilaian tercapai sebagian (68%), 5 elemen penilaian tidak tercapai (12%) sesuai Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Bina Upaya Kesehatan Nomor HK.02.04/I/2790/11 Tentang Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Akupunktur di Poliklinik Akupunktur Rumah Sakit PKU Delanggu

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    The Policlinic Acupuncture PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu Hospital needs the system of recording and reporting data properly and accurately. Up to how the recording and processing of data activities run less than optimal, because there are still done manually, where the other policlinic have done the system of information, so when the officer arrange reporting, theyhae difficulties because they must record and look for the data before that will be need. The purposing this research is to do the development of system, with a draft system for recording and reporting of data on the Policlinic Acupuncture PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu Hospital. This type of research is developing and researching with qualitative approach and system development. The development system method which used prototypemethod. This research sample consists of 2 acupuncture terapist, 1 medical record officer of out patient, and 1 Kasubag Kepegawaian (receiver reports officer).Results of user identification, researchers designed the 5 data flow diagram (DFD) is a diagram cortex recording and reporting information system of acupuncture, processing DFD data base recording and reporting of acupuncture, DFD recording patient data, DFD therapy techniques, DFD summary report the number of patients, entity relationship diagram (ERD), 15 table data base and 17 input system interface design: 16 and outputs: 1 (Summary Report Number of Patients). The developing system use PHP and MySQL data base

    Evaluasi Kesiapan Puskesmas Dalam Penerapan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Puskesmas (Simpus) Berbasis Web di Puskesmas Pajang Surakarta

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    The presence of application city health departement Surakarta that at begining of 2015, the publichealth center management system in the first public health center will developed into that based on the dekstop and the user is not flexible and based on website. The aim of research is to analyze readiness Pajang health center in the implementation public health center management information system. The research use descriptive in the planning and police based on the UU no 11 tahun 2008 about ITE and the user of meeting in the Surakartacity health department. The supporting facility include the socialization web health center management information system. The human resource are still less, with the colletion, the process, persent data, giving health information visiting work, evaluating implementation public health center. The organization supporting is the authority that will be given to section of health information system to manage the implementation health center management information system under the field of health promotio

    Pengembangan Simrs Pasien Rawat Inap Obsgyn Di Bangsal Anisa Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar

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    Anisa room and medical records unit at PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar Hospital use semi manual system where at registration, pharmacies and cashier have used computer based system but it is only limited access to services, but it is not integrated yet with the ward . There are 7 ward to inpatient in PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar Hospital, one of them is anisa ward, in anisa ward, the writing of patient identify is still manual. Most of anisa ward occurs the delays of recording and reporting patient to part of medical record and part of the management hospital. The purpose of this research is to design DFD, the data base, ERD, design of display system and do the trial system. The kind of this research is the study of research and development with the qualitative approach. The method of system development is prototype. In this research the technique of data collection use observation, interview, and documentation study. The sample of research are 8 person that consist of 2 registration officer, 2 ward anisa officer, 2 medical record officer, 2 IT officer. The sample of collection technique use purposive sampling. The development system use delphy 6 with the MySQL data base. The result of identification user, the researcher design 5 data flow diagram (DFD): there are DFD diagram cortex, DFD system that is designed, DFD recording patient registration, DFD recording services data, DFD recording and reporting, and Entity relationship diagram (ERD). The 10 table of data base and design interface system, input: 5 (user data, patient data, visit data, anamnesis data and partograph), and output: 5 (visit report, childbirth action report, gynecology report, death neonatal and maternal report)

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Hospital Information System Dalam Pelaporan Statistik Dasar Rumah Sakit Di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Grhasia Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Tahun 2014

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    The implementation of Hospital Information System has not supported in statistical reporting hospital because the value of BOR, LOS , TOI, BTO is different with IRM. The aim of this studies was to analyze the implementation of Hospital Information System on the hospital statistics. This research method using case study and field research. The subject was 7 participants. The object of this studies is the statistical reports which produced by HIS and IRM. Data collection technique used observation, interviews and focus group discussions. The results showed the weakness of HIS, the values of BOR, LOS, TOI, BTO is contrast to IRM. Men factor, the level of compliance officers to input timely data is not in accordance. Money factor, available budget in HIS but monitoring and evaluation not routinely done. Methods factor, the process of making SHRI is inconsistent. Materials factor, available menu SHRI in the HIS but are not utilized. Machines factor, hardware and software are works fine. Market factor, lack of understanding of statistical data flow system

    Hubungan Unsur Manajemen Dengan Penerapan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Puskesmas di Kabupaten Boyolali

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    District Health Offices of Boyolali Regency has reactivated health information system in community health center (SIMPUS) in 2015. To implementation the system, required tool of management to perform its functions. The purpose of this research is to perceive the correlation tool of management (man, money, material, machine and method) with the implementation of SIMPUS.This research is observational analytical used quantitative methods to analyse correlation between tool of management with SIMPUS implementation in Boyolali community health center. Research population are users of SIMPUS at community health center have implemented SIMPUS (15 community health center) all have 33 person. The sample in this research are 30 respondents used proportional random sampling method. The analysis ere descriptive analysis and analytic analysis using spearman rank correlation.The results of the rank spearman analysis shows there has a correlation between the tool of man, material, machine and method with implementation of SIMPUS. But there hasn’t correlation between the tool of money with the implementation of SIMPU

    Analisis Kebutuhan Perencanaan Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Pada Bidang Pelayanan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Boyolali

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    District Health Department needs a good system management of health information in order to get a precised decision of Government Policy that suit regional needs. The aim of this research is to analize the needs to plan a system of health information in the health services sector Department Health office Boyolali District. This research uses describtive methode with qualitative oncoming that figure and describe the requirement which is needed in the planning process of health information system in the health services sector Department Health office Boyolali District. The layout of this research uses case study oncoming. The sample of this research is taken by using total sample technique that is 7 people consist of the heads of devision of health services sector, section chief of the maternal, child health, and family plan, section chief of nutrient with an administrator of nutrient program, section chief of special basic health and referance with an administrator of special basic health and reference program in Department Health office Boyolali District. The data is collected by interview, FGD and study document. Health services officers need the equel basic data among the sections in order to have valid data and integrated health information system and to accommodate program needs in the health department of Boyolali regency

    Pengendalian Persediaan Obat Antibiotik Dengan Metode Analisis ABC Dan EOQ Di Instalasi Farmasi RS PKU Muhammadiyah Kartasura

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    PKU Muhammadiyah Kartasura Hospital currently does not use inventory control such as the ABC analysis method and EOQ in its pharmaceutical installation, so that there is a stock out of drugs that will affect health services and the availability of drugs in the warehouse. This type of research is quantitative descriptive with a case study research design. The population of this study were all 70 items of PKR Muhammadiyah IFRS antibiotic drugs and the samples in this study were all populations of 70 items. Control supply of antibiotic drugs in pharmaceutical section at PKU Muhammadiyah Kartasura Hospital is carried out through stock taking, standard books and reports. But they have not used special control methods, both for priority inventory types and the number of drug orders. With the ABC analysis method, there are 8 types of drugs including group A which need to be prioritized in inventory control, 11 types of drugs including group B are quite important after group A and group C there are 51 types of drugs that need to be considered as drugs that are not commonly used to reduce the variation of them to be able to parse the hospital budget. Based on the EOQ method the optimum number of orders for 8 types of drugs varies from 3-196 items and the order frequency starts from 18-36 times the order. It is necessary to establish a KFT (Therapy Pharmacy Committee) in order to arrange formulary as a basis for preparing drug needs at the PKU Muhammadiyah Kartasura Hospital Pharmacy Installation

    Pelaksanaan Penyimpanan Berkas Rekam Medis Berdasarkan Unsur Manajemen 5m Di RskiaPermata Bunda Yogyakarta

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    Medical record file storage management is very important for health care institution. According to the results of interviews with the chief officer in the medical record in RSKIA Permata Bunda Yogyakarta, there are some missfile on filing shelves that make service to patients become long. The research is descriptive qualitative, it means ollecting data by direct observation of the research. The methods are interviews and observation. Collecting data using primary data. In the elements of man, medical record officer who completed D3 medical record is one person and four people who are not. In the elements of money, nothing specific budget on medical record file storage. In the elements of methode, using decentralized storage systems and alignment system using straight numeric filing. In the elements of Machine, there is no tracer to mark out a medical record file. In the elements of Material, outpatients medical record file using quarto paper. Storage shelves using iron shelves and there are no folders on the outpatient medical record file